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Student Learner Expectations
Mater Dei Catholic Elementary Students Are
1. Christ-Centered Children
- Understands, respects and models Roman Catholic traditions
- Actively celebrates liturgies, sacraments, and prayer
- Serves the needs of all God's creations
2. Bilingual and Biliterate Lifelong Learners
- Practice academic integrity
- With a growth mindset, welcome opportunities to be challenged in the pursuit of learning
- Demonstrate critical and creative problem solving skills
3. Global Ambassadors
- Recognize, respect and value diversity
- Act as a responsible member of the global community to promote peace and justice
- Apply bilingual and bicultural knowledge to resolve conflicts in a global society
4. Social Justice Advocates
- Demonstrate a spirit of service
- Strive for unity and reconciliation through compassion for others
- Encourage and serve as a model to others by sharing the mission of Jesus in our world